
"It's time to go to school."
"I'm coming."
(You can hear him trying to get out of The Skipper Dog's travel cage. What is the deal with kids and cages?)
"OK, I'm here."

The Hub and I just looked at each other with this "what just happened here" look. He was compliant and used appropriate timely responses to communicate his intentions without the need for repeating on our part. Yahoo!

We have our monthly meeting with The Teacher today. I cannot wait! Doesn't that sound a little odd? I've just been so proud of him lately and the strides that he has made at home since being in school that I want to hear how he's doing at school. The next step will be community and how to transfer his skills to church and other public places, which I think will be simple (note I didn't say easy). The only issue I have is hyperactivity, but then again, he IS four! I'm actually really enjoying seeing the two boys just being boys and romping around the house chasing the dog, wrestling each other to the ground until someone screams, and dragging packaging materials all through the house. I'm NOT enjoying cleaning up after them.

I feel very good today. I think I'll be productive. The Gma is coming to get The Younger for the day while I get us ready for our trip. The Elder and I are wrapping gifts when he gets off the bus (he's been practicing at school) and then we are meeting with The Teacher. The Housekeeper is coming to make me very happy. Then The Hub and I are planning to load up the minivan tonight (36 hours early). I'm being very optimistic!!

4 Responses to "Conversation"

tulipmom (visit their site)

I know that feeling of "uh, are you kidding?" when they do something the first time you ask (and at least in SB's case, without an argument).

Good luck with today's meeting. I'd be excited too.

Even though I stress myself out cleaning up FOR the cleaning people (which D. thinks is absurd) everything (and I don't mean the house) looks better after they leave.

If you can load your car 36 hours BEFORE leaving for a trip, you seriously deserve some kind of award.

Marla (visit their site)

It is great to be positive! I hope everything goes well! Good luck with the school meeting.

Gwendolyn's Gifts (visit their site)

Good luck with the meeting, and I hope your trip goes well.

BTW, Have you signed up for technorati? You definitely should. It's a cool way to see who has mentioned your blog! (I had no idea for a few of mine!)

Anonymous (visit their site)

Busy catching up on blogs - we were struck down for quite a few days but slowly managing to get back on top of things again.

Hope the school meeting goes well!!!
