One unscheduled event

It's 2 in the morning and we've had a poop disaster, a poop scare, and a family of four who may not get back to bed tonight! Details one of these days...

Updated at 8:06AM
[WARNING: not for the weak-tummied readers]

Ok, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the toilet flushing, which is odd because I'm the only member of my family it seems that knows how to do that. I didn't hear a cry out to wipe or pitter patter of feet to the kitchen for plundering so I laid back down but stayed awake because I had taken some allergy meds and it tends to affect my sleep in that way. About 10 minutes later I hear The Younger crying out for me that he "poo pooed, mommy!"

He has had the runs off and on for about 2 weeks now. We think that it started with too much chocolate the last week of November and his tummy environment has yet to recover. The Hub is feeding him Yogurt (of the Casein variety) as we speak to help. I have a doc appointment tomorrow so hopefully he will get a probiotic of some sort. I don't believe it is a virus merely because of the inconsistency, the length of time it has been going on, and the fact that none of us have caught it (knock on wood) despite the fact that he is mr. drooly boy. (I'd like for everyone to think that I keep my house germ-free, but sadly, I do not.) I alluded to a former poop disaster in some of the comments I've left on others' blogs but didn't really document it here. I'll just give the highlights here for my own journaling sake.

  • On Dec, 3, did some Christmas shopping with just me and The Younger, stopped at Belk to purchase a gift card
  • Was checking out the sales for myself when I smelled something awful
  • The Younger asks for new diaper
  • I failed to bring a diaper bag, but alas, we keep spare diapers in the car
  • We do not keep spare diaper wipes in the car
  • So we must go home, so I pick him up and put him in his car seat and retreat my poo-covered hand in parking space next to the handicap space so on-lookers wouldn't have to go out of their way to be a witness to my misfortune.
  • New car and new diet, so there was not a stack of fast food restaurant napkins in the glove box.
  • There was however, tissue in a baby shower gift bag (hey, it was an emergency), and a plastic shopping bag from going to Staples earlier.
We did make it home (sans Belk gift card) and I stripped him naked in the 50 degree weather outside and carried him straight to the tub. Placed all the garments and car seat cover and seat belts in the washer. He's telling the story all day, "Poo poo on my back, poo poo on my seat belt, poo poo on my leg....etc." I could have sung along, "Poo poo on my jeans, Poo poo on my coat, Poo poo on my car..."
So fast forward to 2am this morning. Since I was already awake from the toilet flushing, I decided the nice thing to do was take care of it myself, and not nudge The Hub to do the dirty deed. As I removed PJ pants, poop streaked his legs. Great. A messy one. (Remember they had been inconsistent in consistency and volume) Great. A BIG messy one. Without going into gory details of how it was dripping everywhere and he was squirming all over the place (oops, I guess that was a gory detail), it ended up that I had to hollar out to wake up The Hub for help.

As we were getting it all cleaned up with The Hub tackling hosing down The Younger and me taking care of the carpet and walls and clothes, The Elder appears and is butt-naked and he has his brown-mass covered hands in my face saying, "I need to wash my hands." It was on his face, his hands, and his bottom. I panicked. But then I caught wind of a pleasant smell. Whew. It was just chocolate. Chocolate!?!?!?! Where did you get that and why are you eating it at 2AM??? "I'm hungry."

To his defense, we had gone to his class party and there really wasn't a lot for him to eat (but contraband chocolate). So we go make him a piece of gluten-free toast and peanut butter. Of course you can't do for one that you aren't willing to do for The Younger so he partook as well. Then I got a little hungry myself. Peer pressure I suppose. We were all wide awake and had to start back and do the evening routine all over again.

I finally crawled into my bed around 5ish. At 7:30, The Younger comes to our bedside and we hear the most awful sound come from his body. We both sat straight up (Thank God he was on Dad's side of the bed!) and The Hub rushed him to the bathroom as The Younger exclaims, "BIG poo poo." Minimal movement translates to "maintained containment." Whew!

Alls well that ends well. Until next time....

11 Responses to "One unscheduled event"

Jen (visit their site)

We have just emerged from a week of stuffs emerging from both ends. 4 of the 5 of us were hit. I'm ready for a vacation :o) I totally feel your pain ;o)

Anonymous (visit their site)

Oh I hear you loud and clear!!!

We had a similar thing a while back with our daughter - to the point where we had to sleep her on our bedroom floor so that we had fast access to her during the night (before she could move and make it worse!).

I really hope you have a better sleep tonight, and that the 'consistency' improves...


Marla (visit their site)

Yikes! Poo! Yup, we have had that happen here too. Why can't it happen in the middle of the day? It always seems to be at night when we all want to be sleeping.

Niksmom (visit their site)

Oh I feel your pain! Been there with the store episode...UGH. I now carrie those blue chucks in my car (when I think of it!)

tulipmom (visit their site)

Oh my goodness you've had a rough weekend! Almost makes me see SB's chronic constipation in a whole new light ...

I hope everyone is feeling more regular.

Susan (visit their site)

Oh my heavens! Bless your hearts -- all of them!

FYI, I directed my local friend Erica to your site. She has twin boys (age 5?) that have Autism, if not Aspergers.

**"Liza"** (visit their site)

Yikes! so far I didn't my little trouble maker didn't catch those, except for colds that last for three days. If that happened to me in the middle of the night, I would do it with my eyes hope you all feel much better soon.. ;)

Anonymous (visit their site)

Hope everyone is feeling more regular now.

Jen P (visit their site)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. The Younger is doing better now, as in I'm not afraid to take him out in public. He's terribly cranky right now though, but that's "regular."

Susan, thanks for the referral, I hope that our experiences can help (not in the poop department, but in the autism department!)

Welcome Liza! Did you get here from Planet3rry or my comment?

Hey Tripper!!!! Nice to see you online. Thanks for stopping by to comment!

GFCF Mommy (visit their site)

Hope you all are doing better now. We've had times like this, but we only have one child! You are not alone, believe me! But that does not make it any easier.


Anonymous (visit their site)

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