We had our first IEP meeting and it was a little overwhelming but overall a very good meeting. I was nervous at first because they were being very formal but I guess they have to. Anyhoo, the bottom line he was accepted into the public preschool program for 4 half-days a week for social skills training and some pragmatic language skills. He will get another OT evaluation to be officially be getting the OT at the school. They raved at how brilliant he is. They couldn't put a cap on his test scores because he had to get so many wrong before they stop the test and they ran out of items! They are very optimistic about his potential and like Dr A they believe that he will be mainstreamed pretty early if not already by kindergarten!!

I couldn't be happier. The best words I heard his future teacher say were "He can't get kicked out here. We will work with him." It was nice to hear how "normal" he is based on his circumstances.

Oh the other thing I'm clicking my heels about is that we also put in the IEP to have 2 hours a month, in-home consultations with his teacher. I mean she will come to our house and help him transfer the skills they teach him in a structured setting, and generalize them to other settings. Wowee.

He is also eligible to ride the bus which I think would totally make his day, but I'm a little hesitant to do it. Maybe next semester.

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