When 2 vowels go walking...

This morning, Eric and I went to read a book and it was a Thomas book (of course) with the noisy buttons that you are prompted to match and push periodically throughout the story. I really didn't feel like reading, my jaw kinda hurt and my mouth was dry from not drinking water (gotta put that in the military schedule). So I told him to read it and I pointed to each word. I would say he got about 90% of all the words on the first or second try. I was pretty impressed and wish I had had my camera to video it. I mean how did he learn that? I didn't teach him to read.

But the I remembered Leap Frog!! Ah yes, phonics, spelling words and complex words. Yes it was a little advanced when we got it when he was 2 something but he really liked the music. Well that explained why he always said ideeeee instead of idea, even though I had never pronounced it that way when I would say, "That's a good idea." The Leap Frog video Code Word Caper goes into COmplex Words like bake (silent e), shut (sh, ch, and th sounds), and wait. The latter song states "When 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking." So he would "read" that word in his mind and let the "e" do the talking and dropped the "a." Too smart. I'm already a little frightened about the teen years....

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