Fun with The Elder and Google Talk

The Hub posted today's FULL chat session, including background information, school woes, and fun with emoticons. Here's an excerpt of Pink (The Elder via me typing) and me (The Hub)...

Pink: tuesday december 4 2007
me: what season is it?
Pink: thomas and friends and the shrink pot
me: okay…
Sent at 2:00 PM on Tuesday
Pink: the shrink pot and the shrink just do it percy and henry and gordon and the shrink pot goes upside down and it goes upside down ok good and make they get out. And now the shrink pot goes over and over and round and round and all the way to the floor like that and they go to the shed where all the other engines ok.
me: and then what?
Sent at 2:02 PM on Tuesday
Pink: i love you james and shrink pot does shrink james and went to the dark cave where percy shunting cars and the cars run down the tunnel and bumped into the straight thing in the tunnel and they CRASHED and now it there two things are up and a avalanche came down down to percy and doug and thomas came to the rescue. Thomas says that’s a close to avalanche and those cars can’t only Edward and Rocky and do the rest to get magnets to get those cars and um one day sir topham hat hear all that noise and sees the cars in the tunnel where the avalanche is. Thomas is in the shed with percey and james and where henry is. Rocky and edward are not here. They gonna be right back when they come to the shed they come to the turntable and they sleep and very good to sleep and the doors are closed. Ok The End
(I hope you copy and paste this in your blog)
me: what a great story
Pink: Toby he saw a big river and the dam is breaking and the bricks fell down and make a big waterfall. And the bridge came ot and the pieces ofthe track and saw the sign beware the waterfall. and the driver said we go around waterfall we do. Harold droped onto Toby buffers and Percy was back there and pushed Toby all the way and clean clean clean and held and lived happily ever after. And The End.
I love you. Bye (from
The Elder)
me: bye
love you
Pink: cat mouse dog bear and washer
I really really really wish I had audio of this because it was hilarious. What you can't capture in the script were the times he was talking faster than I could type. Everytime I asked him to repeat something he would change the story. And if I was really far behind in transcribing, he would repeat the really important words.

"I said 'magnet.' Type the word 'magnet.'"
Never mind if it fit right there in that sentence.

"Not 'helped.' Mommy, you typed the wrong word."

"Woooooooow. That's a long story."

"Mommy, you typed 'avalanche' three times! Good Job!"

4 Responses to "Fun with The Elder and Google Talk"

Unknown (visit their site)

This is great! I have been reading the Smart Love book since I got it back from you and one thing I really appreciate about what they say is that many times we "grown ups" (as Joshua would say) expect children to be mini versions of us. Meaning we expect them to be able to control their feelings/actions the way we do, and sometimes, better than we do. This post and mine today made me think about that because while they may be able to hold a conversation with us, they do not process the informaion the way we do.

Anonymous (visit their site)

How cute!!!

I love it when the stories get faster and faster - we have the problem here sometimes when my son talks and talks until he completely forgets what he is talking about and then just sits there shaking his head.

Jen P (visit their site)

I forgot that was one of the points in that book. With ASD its a given that the child doesn't process the way I do, but I'll have to also remember that The Younger processes differently too. He's a talker, much like Joshua. Sometimes he says things and it remind me of Joshua's mannerisms when he was his age!

That is hilarious. I can see Jack doing that bc it happens here too! The other thing that is funny is when he second guesses his vocabulary and he starts "air" drawing the scene with his finger. That is what happened when he was talking about the "straight thing" that they bumped into (with his finger drawing it up and down in the air). I'll have to go back and watch that episode to figure out what that straight thing is!

Oh, and the burning question of "how much?" My bank account can relate to that one too....

Anonymous (visit their site)

I love the 'finger thing' (drawing in the air) - how funny!!