Success Sunday: "Find Out Where I Blog" Contest

Please update your feeds to the following:

Hurry and visit and leave a comment there so I can add you to the NEW blogroll!

All commenters on this SUCCESS SUNDAY post will be entered into my "Find Out Where I Blog" Contest! Unlike the contests The Hub is so well-known for, you will win non-crap.

The rules are:

  1. Update my links on your blogroll (if I'm not on your blogroll then add me!)
  2. Update my links in your Reader (if you don't have a feed reader, I highly recommend it. I personally am using Google Reader right now. It really makes keeping up with other blogs much more simple and you can access it on your phone too if you have an internet connection. Too bad it doesn't blog for you...)
  3. Leave a comment on this SUCCESS SUNDAY post to let me know that you have done the above
  4. Optional: Ooooh and Aaaaahhh over my new site!

  • I'll close the comments after I post the next Success Sunday Post (which based on past history, may or may not be on Sunday).
  • The Trusty Statistician will generate a random number and will select the winner based on the order you have commented (you may comment more than once but let's be reasonable here ok? No putting every other word in a separate comment. You know who I'm talking to...)
  • The winner must release (in private of course) his or her snail mail address to me so I can send you your bling. If you are not comfy with that, then I'll work around it somehow, but I cannot guarantee that it will be non-crap.
  • Feel free to pass on word for those who thought I was lost in cyber space somewhere never to return. It would be sad to lose touch.

I will need to approve your comment, but once I approve it you will be forever approved. (At least by me).

Good Luck and thanks again for keeping up with me!

Much Blog Love,
Jen P