Researching on Memory Lane

Well, The AP said that ever since she has been here (last April) The Younger's thumb didn't extend all the way. She said that once she tried to "fix" it and it clicked and straightened but then went back to crooked and she never tried again. So after this comment, I thought I would go back and look at our photos to see just when this little booger snuck up on us.

On the Fourth of July in 2006, The Younger just turned 1 and The Elder was getting ready to turn 3. No Trigger Thumb.

September 17, 2006. Possible triggering in his right thumb while in a relaxed state (understatement on the relaxed, huh?)

October 17, 2006. Awake and active here, the right thumb is not triggering.

January 5, 2007 - Awake and somewhat relaxed and somewhat active. No signs of major triggering.

January 26, 2007 - It's almost as if he posed for this one..."Hey, look at my trigger thumb!" You can see other evidence of triggering in other shots from this album.

February 25, 2007 - This is the same day as the tree picture in my banner above where I couldn't tell if it was triggering or not. Here however, it clearly is.

April 19, 2007 - At the airport, the day we picked up The AP. Very trigger happy here. (Wasn't that sweet and thoughtful of him to bring her flowers?)

May 1, 2007 - Sleepy head with a quick draw.

Conclusion - The AP was right. It seemed to be a more permanent thing about the time she arrived which makes me feel a whole lot less guilty for not noticing it sooner. She thought that I already knew about it so she never pointed it out. I guess that is the politically correct thing to do. But it doesn't appear to be a big deal to him. It doesn't hurt him and when the doc said "Man, that thumb does NOT want to budge," one would assume that he was using force to test that and The Younger never flinched. Our appointment is next Thursday with the Orthopedic Doc and will probably schedule the surgery from there. Thanks for all the comments for him. He would appreciate all the love!

3 Responses to "Researching on Memory Lane"

Anonymous (visit their site)

I looove the pictures - and we're sending plenty of love from here!!!

kristen spina (visit their site)

The pictures are adorable and how great that, in a way, they helped you solve the mystery of "when".

Question: what does AP stand for? Sorry, I'm sure I've just missed the boat somewhere and the answer will be incredibly obvious, but, I'm clueless.

Jen P (visit their site)

Haha! I should have a glossary of terms huh? Some I think are obvious but many are not, like The AP. AP stands for Au Pair. Click here if you've never heard of that before or are interested in participating in the program. It has been awesome help and incredibly rewarding.